4 common habits that causes impotency in men

4 common habits that causes impotency in men

 Taking care of your body should be a very high priority for those who know the importance good health. Today I will be talking about the things that we practice daily which causes impotency (infertility) in men or causes damage men's representative organs and systems.

A man’s little swimmers are almost as important as his being. However, not many are aware that some activities they enjoy might be the reason for their low sperm count.
Below are some activities that men should avoid:

1. Taking Hot Bath

You may be wondering how hot bath can cause infertility, but one thing men fail to understand about their system is that, the penis region does not need much heat or coldness and that's why the scrotoral sac is located outside of the body to air that region.
Although a relaxing remedy when the weather is quite cold, hot baths or any form of heat affects the sperm. The sperm is produced when the scrotum is four degrees cooler than the other parts of the body. It, therefore, goes that exposing yourself to hot heat for more than 30 minutes reduces sperm production. Although redeemable, it takes up to nine months for sperm production to return to its normal state.

2. Eating too much of Fish

Everything that advantages also has disadvantages. Eating fish is good for the body because we derive proteins and calcium from fish flesh and bone respectively but it also has lots of damage to our body especially the body of men.
Fish high in mercury such as King mackerel and tuna steak should be avoided. This is because they are high in mercury and can negatively affect the level of omega-3 in the body leaving the sperm to be deformed or damaged. Instead, opt for fish that are rich in omega-3 or zinc.

Placing Laptops on your laps

This one may surprise you, but this is real that placing laptops on tour laps while using it causes lots of damage to your reproductive system due to the radioactive rays emitted by the gadgets and mostly because of the heat generated by the laptop which seems to be very hot.

A research done by the State University of New York found that there is an existing relationship between staying on the laptop for a prolonged period of time and an increase in the scrotum temperature. Findings showed that the result of the relationship is that there is a low gamete formation. Whatever you do, place the laptop on a table, not on your lap.

4. Taking Alcohol and Carbonated drinks

Men who indulge in alcohol-binging, carbonated drinks and smoking are prone to infertility. This is because the caffeine in the drinks can damage the sperm. Sugary drinks cause an increase in insulin resistance resulting in oxidative stress which generally affects sperm production. Cigarettes, on the other hand, affects semen mobility while alcohol and carbonated drinks affect the sperm production.


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