Reactions as a man was caught on a video having meetings with his goats

Reactions as a man was caught on a video having meetings with his goats

 - A South African man left social media users in stitches after he held a meeting with his animals

 - In the video uploaded on Twitter, the man was heard explaining to the goats that he would be buying their food shortly

 - Tweeps reacted to the hilarious video with memes and funny replies on the thread.

A South African man has left the country in stitches after a video of him having a conversation with his livestock went viral. The video was uploaded on Twitter by Cherrol Ngobese on Wednesday, September 2, and it gained a lot of reactions. The man apologised to his goats for not feeding them early enough. 

Photo: @CherrolNgobese/Twitter Source: UGC The animals were gathered at the front of the man's compound like a group of men waiting to see their favourite speaker. 

The man stood in front of them and calmly spoke with the animals like they were mates. He addressed his 'crowd' and assured them that food would soon be served if only they decided to stay calm.

 The man acknowledged he arrived home late the previous night and failed to bring maize for his animals as a result. "We are in a meeting now. I called this meeting to let you guys know I do not have your maize yet. I came home late yesterday and I could not buy it. 

I am going to head to Stanger (north of Durban) now to buy some for you guys. I hope you understand," he said
On the other hand, a political leader in south Africa recommended the guy to the nation, stating that this man can animals, that means he's capable of controlling the parliament

Surprisingly the man was invited to government house the next day to share his secrete on how he was able to address goats like humans. After his explanation, he was paid by south African political leaders for his wisdom beyond their explanation.

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