How Online / Secrete weddings Works

How Online / Secrete weddings Works

Before this era, it was partially impossible to do virtual weddings or Secrete wedding for couples who are not in the same city.

As at 2002, it requires physical presentation of legal certificates even after submitting ur request to a lawyer to be wedded online, but this time, everything has totally changed and the existence of 3G and 4G internet connection has made things very easy for everyone.

This day, it is not only possible to relate with distance love ones online alone but you can also do other interesting things like:

1. Virtual wedding (also known as online or secrete weddings)
2. Shop online
3. Sell products online
4. Publish books and articles online.
5. Inform people online and lots more.

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I remember meeting my wife in 2011 on facebook. We began to chat with each other for months untill we were deeply inlove and exchanged lots of details which really brought us together.

The funny part of it was that I was a very busy man working in aviation company which hardly give me time to travel out. I found it hard to visit my fiancee because she was living in Canada while I was In the United states.

After a discussion with her when I've already proposed to her online, we decided to fix a wedding to be done online since we couldn't meet.

That was how we got married and after our marriage online, my company gave me a leave before I visited my wife in canada, we exchanged our rings physically this time, and that was the best moment of my life and the easiest wedding ever.


Online wedding only requires just few people since its not physical. The most important parts are just the legal documents to be signed by the man's father, his family lawyer and the Groom himself agreeing to take the Bride whose name is written on the certificate as his wedded wife.

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After which the document will be sent to the wife to sign as an agreement to accept the groom as her husband and the document sent back when it has been signed and that makes you both legally married. That was awesome right?


 The only people required for online weddings to take place are:
1. The groom
2. The groom's lawyer
3. A pastor (for final pronouncement)
4. The groom's father or mother (or both).
5. The bride
6. The bride's mother or father or any trusted friend.


1. Is online weddings/marriage legal

AnswerYes, it is totally legal since it involves the agreement between the parties and also with a legal person to sign the document.

2. Why do people do online weddings?

AnswerSome of the resons why people do online marriage also known as secrete wedding are:

° Distance barrier
° Busy profession of any of the partners
° During any deadly  pandemic outbreak that restrict movement or gathering.
° For easy marriage without much stress
° When people want their marriage to be a secrete or surprise marriage.
° When there is war and people can't travel.

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3. Who are the important people needed for secrete marriage to take place?

Answer:  The people needed are: the groom's lawyer, the bride's mother or father, a pastor and then the  Bride & groom.

4. How long does it take to finish an online weddings?

Answer: it can be done in a matter of one hour or maximum 5 hours due to how fast the bride and the groom's lawyer were able to sign and send back the documents required.

5. Does online weddings requires a certificate?

Answer: Yes it does. A certificate will be made ready the next day which a duplicate will be sent to the bride's family online to also be printed out and must be signed by the  groom's lawyer before it can be sent.

 6. How can you receive your marriage certificate?

There're no legal requirements for marriage after the ceremony in most states. ... Generally, a few weeks after your wedding, you will receive your marriage certificate in the mail. Even if the officiant fails to file the marriage certificate, you're still considered married.

7. Does it requires video chat during the  Online wedding?

 Answer: Not at all, video chat is not necessarily involved since there's already a legal personnel involved and only documents are to be exchanged. And pictures of both couple's family if they want.

The newly launched Wedding Online service lets couples hold a virtual wedding ceremony. ... Just one little technicality – if you want your marriage to be legally binding, the bridal couple, the marriage officiator, and two witnesses  from the man's side need to be in the same room during the actual ceremony and one of them must be a lawyer from the groom's side to issue the documents and also a pastor to make a pronouncement using voice notes.

8. Which platforms can the online pronouncement take place.

Answer:  There are lots of online platforms where secrete online marriage can take place to protect the parties privacy. One of the popular platforms used now can either be whatsapp or through mail as both whatsapp enables sharing of documents and pictures and emails can also do the same and protect the couple's privacies.

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