If you have this five signs, know that you are spiritually gifted.

If you have this five signs, know that you are spiritually gifted.

It will surprise you that the following signs has real spiritual meanings.

In order to receive spiritual guidance, one must be open to it. Everyone has the ability to be open and strengthen their intuition, while some already have a spiritual gift just waiting to be discovered. Here we take a look at the five signs that shows/mean you have a spiritual gift.

1. Having Visions That Often Come True

Some visions might come in the form of a picture that randomly pops into your mind or might be a strong feeling you get when speaking to someone or might be a reoccurring dream. If your visions always comes true, then it's a pretty tell-tale sign that you possess a spiritual gift.

2. You're An Empath

Empathy can be a gift and a curse at same time. Empaths feel the emotions of the people around them as if they were their own. This ability can be extremely overwhelming sometimes and even difficult to handle. But when an empath learns how to take control of their own life while feeling both the pain and joy of others, then this ability can only be a spiritual gift.

3. Strong Intuition

There are so many people filled with self-doubt. They're always second-guessing their decisions and usually wondering whether they should or shouldn't trust their instincts. A strong intuition is a true spiritual gift. It allows confidence in your decisions, strong in your beliefs and open-minded to the messages you receive.

4. You Have Nightmares

Don't be surprised at this. Everyone do have nightmares, but the nightmares of those who have a spiritual gift are much more than just a nightmare. You end up waking up from a nightmare sweating or panting because it seemed so real. If your nightmares usually jolts you awake, then it means someone is trying to get a message across to you.

5. Waking Up During The Spiritual Hour

If you always find yourself waking up between 3-4 a.m often, then it isn't a bathroom break. This hour is known as the 'devils hour' or 'spiritual hour'. If you wake up around this time, then its a sign that certain spirits want to communicate with you.  If you try to be open, you'll receive the message.

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  1. Great post. I could relate with some of it. I think I'm gifted.


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